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Effect of cupping therapy in treating chronic headache and chronic back pain at "Al heijamah" clinic HMC
Dr. Mohamed M. Reslan Hssanien
(Reslan M.) Researcher of Complementary and Alternative Medicine( CAM) Outpatient Department.
Hamad General Hospital. Clinical associate, Primary Health Care Department Hamad Medical Corporation.
Objective : To test the effect of cupping therapy in treating chronic headache and chronic back pain.
Cupping therapy "Al heijamah" is a very common non-conventional therapy
in the Arabic societies that has been used in the treatment of a wide
range of conditions, such as hypertension, rheumatic conditions, ranging
from arthritis, sciatica and back pain, migraine, anxiety, and general
physical and mental well-being.
Methods: This
study was a clinical intervention (pre and post design) utilizing non-
conventional therapy (AL Heijamah) for treatment of patients with
chronic back pain or chronic headache, with three months follow up at
the Out patients Department (OPD) of Hamad General Hospital (HGH) Hamad
Medical Corporation (HMC), State of Qatar, from May 2007 to December
2007, to show the efficacy of that procedure on chronic pain using
Visual Analog pain scale, pre and post intervention.
The total number of the participants was eighty six, slightly more than
half of them were male (51.2%). The majority were non Qatari (72.1%);
thirty seven of them had headache and forty nine of them had back pain.
Most of the participants were treated with wet cup therapy (98.8%) and
only one of them was treated with dry cup. Fifty two of the participants
had only one session of cupping while only five of them completed the
four sessions. The pain score for patients with headache was decreased
from eight to four after cupping therapy followed by intermittent
periods of fluctuation of pain, scored from four to five for around five
weeks, then it maintained constant at four score till the end of the
follow up period. Meanwhile the pain scale for patients with low back
pain decreased from seven to three after two weeks and stayed constant
till the end of the twelve weeks.
The effect of cupping therapy (Al heijamah) for chronic headache and
back pain has been studied and the results revealed significant
improvements in participants as a result of cupping therapy. Further
studies with larger samples, for longer duration of follow up and use of
a comparison group are recommended.
Key words: Complementary, alternative medicine, cupping, heijamah.
Immunomodulatory Effects of Bloodletting Cupping Therapy in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
RA is a chronic inflammatory systemic disease that causes irreversible joint destruction. nGroup I – Conventionally Medicinally treatedn Group II – Combined treatment – Blood Letting Cupping every 4 weeks Conclusion:BLC combined with conventional therapy, exerts marked improvement on the clinical condition of the patient. Especially in the analogue of pain scale, reduces the laboratory markers of disease activity and it modulates the immune cellular conditions, particularly of innate immune response NK cell % and adaptive cellular immune response SIL-2R.
M.Ahmed Sahbaa et al – Egyptian Journal of Immunology
Vol.12 (2) 2005 – page 39-51